Sudoku For You

I am a total Sudoku nut!

No news to anyone who knows me.

I play it at work, on the train, any where I can.

I discovered Sudoku was available to add to a site or Blog so for all my visitors and especially the other Sudoku nuts out there . . .

. . . ENJOY!

Supplied by Sudoku

P.S. This is a "sticky post" and will remain on Verbiage Spillage for your entertainment. Enjoy :o)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stitches Are Out

Honestly I am the biggest sook!


I first went into the consulting room and saw the surgeon who was present during my Carpal Tunnel Release surgery last week.

I told him I was feeling a bit like The Borg was taking over my body, starting with my right hand.

I told him I couldn't even look at my hand, it felt wierd.

He reassured me the worst of it was over and done with and encouraged me to look at my hand once the bandage was removed.

I did manage to look and seriously it really made me uncomfortable but I continued to look.

The surgeon (Jason) was reassuring me that my hand looked really good. Colour was good and not much swelling or brusing and said I had to rub sorbolene into the scar which made me feel ill.

It took all my will to just look at it now he tells me I have to touch it!

He left saying the nurse would be in to remove the stitches.

Kerry came a few minutes later and I told her I was very scared and anxious and really didn't want to be there.

She positioned a chair next to the bed so I could place my right hand on the bed then began to cut the stitches.

Man that felt wierd and in parts felt like a pin was being stuck into my palm.

Not long after she began I told her I was feeling sick.

She brought in a bottle of H2o, nice and cold.

A big drink, then a lay down on the bed so if I passed out I didn't fall and hurt myself.

Did I tell you I am a big sooky-la-la?

A real big-girls-blouse!

I said to Kerry that I was feeling like the scar would open up when the stitches came out and all the insides of my hand would ooze out. She did reassure me that would not happen.

She removed another stitch or two (I lost count) and stopped to give me a chance to take a breath. With that I looked at my hand to see two huge blood leaks and just fell short of passing out and throwing up.

All stitches out, Kerry placed a peice of tape over the scar and said the hand therapist would be in to talk to me about hand exercises.

Collen came into the room and introduced herself then asked me to come down to a different room. She pulled out a sheet with 4 exercises sketched on it and written description under each one.

BTW, I had al ready been doing the circle one since days 2 after surgery, just couldn't touch my thumb with little finger yet.

Another exercise is to point my fingers at 90 degrees, bending from the closest joint to the palm.

Another is to make a fist.

Another to bend the tips of my fingers towards my palm, making them touch the base of the closest joint to the palm.

Last one was to flex my wrist to make a limp hand and a stretched back hand.

You know how I said I felt like the scar would come open and my hand would ooze out from it . . . well the scar is coming open at the fingers. No my hand is not oozing out but I don't like the look of it!

I'll see if I can pluck up the courage to take some images of my hand and post at a later stage.

But hey don't hold your breath!!!

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