Sudoku For You

I am a total Sudoku nut!

No news to anyone who knows me.

I play it at work, on the train, any where I can.

I discovered Sudoku was available to add to a site or Blog so for all my visitors and especially the other Sudoku nuts out there . . .

. . . ENJOY!

Supplied by Sudoku

P.S. This is a "sticky post" and will remain on Verbiage Spillage for your entertainment. Enjoy :o)

Sunday, January 25, 2009


You'll have all heard the buzz phrase for cross bred pure bred dogs, designer dogs. No need to tell you there is no such breed as Labradoodle. It's just another mutt!

Well it appears there is in fact a new designer breed, BULLSHIT.

Seems a good name for ALL 'designer dogs', haha haha haha! Or is that what comes from the mouths of those who breed them . . .

Oh sorry 'designer dogs', hehe hehe hehe!

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally, and what people are prepared to pay for their disigner mutts is unbelievable!!! They pay $2500 for a "third generation labradoodle that trends toward the Poodle rather than the Labrador. We were lucky to get him!". That is a quote from an alomost boarding customer. I replied that they could have gotten a pure bred Standard poodle AND a pure bred Labrador, both from registered breeders who could personally recall the bloodlines on at least one side for many more than 3 generations, and still got change from $2500. I run a boarding kennel, my parents still breed (Standard Poodles!), I used to breed (Toy Poodles; got weary of the politics), my wife used to breed (Border Collies, ditto the politics) so this is a subject close to my heart. I never saw those people again. Bad for business, but principles aren't cheap.


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